Kiai-Kick Interview: Scott Adkins and Jesse V Johnson

Welcome to the second podcast from Kiai-Kick! This one has been a long time coming, and a highlight of my website since I started it. I’ve always heard Scott Adkins was a class act all the way, and it’s true. He’s a guy you want to root for, and we had a really fun interview, and Jesse V Johnson drops his nuggets of wisdom along the way that any aspiring filmmakers should listen to. I’ll also explain what took so long for this podcast to get out. But it’s here now, so enjoy!

Scott Adkins and Jesse V Johnson Interview Kiai-Kick!

On Episode 2 of the Kiai-Kick Podcast I have the pleasure of interviewing Martial arts Superstar Scott Adkins and Director Jesse V Johnson on their newest film Debt Collectors, and we discuss that and a whole lot of other fun stuff!
  1. Scott Adkins and Jesse V Johnson Interview
  2. What's up, Hollywood?

Thanks again to Scott and Jesse for taking the time to speak with me, and apologies to both for getting this out so late, but Covid-19 struck me hard. Debt Collectors can be found on Demand but if you have Netflix you can watch it right now! Also, if this isn’t enough Scott Adkins for you, he’s got his own Youtube interview series that you should ABSOLUTELY watch! You can find Episode 1 with Marko Zaror here. Highly, Highly recommended!