And now for something different…

Police Story2

Hey all.

I first just wanted to say “thanks” to everyone who checks out this website in a regular basis.  Before the 2014 is over, there will definitely be a change, and that will affect things here, but how much, I’m not sure. My Journey started in 2007 with a short film I wrote and directed, and discovered that I loved doing both. After another short I decided to go back to school and study filmmaking, and now I am transitioning from being a martial arts film critic to being someone who makes films. I intend to concentrate on martial arts films, but I’ll direct other things as well. I have new page devoted to my journey from 2007 to the future, and you can go to my new blogsite here: Michael S Moore Productions (That’ll change at some point) . Your comments, as always, remain important to me, and on that site more than ever. I eventually want to make the films you want to see.

How does this affect things here? Well, I’ll still be reviewing movies and indie films as always, but as you can already see, I won’t be reviewing as many per week/month as I used to, but rest assured I WILL be reviewing all I can. You guys keep me going, and I want to do well by you. I hope my reviews have helped you make decisions on films, and more importantly I hope it led a discovery of a new film or talent. There’s a lot of them out there.


Michael S Moore

P.S. If anyone wants to submit a review on this site for a film I haven’t reviewed yet, please shoot me an email to .

One comment

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